China Daily
China's railway network is expected to handle 144 million passenger trips during the eight-day May Day holiday travel rush, the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. said Monday.中国国家铁路集团有限公司29日表示,铁路“五一”小长假运输将持续8天,全国铁路预计发送旅客1.44亿人次。
The peak day is projected to fall on Wednesday with approximately 21 million trips to be made, according to the country's railway operator.国铁集团表示,5月1日为客流最高峰日,预计发送旅客约2100万人次。
During the travel rush from April 29 to May 6, an average of over 12,000 passenger trains are planned daily, which is about 1,800 more than the usual number during non-rush periods, it said.国铁集团称,在4月29日至5月6日的“五一”出行高峰期,日均开行旅客列车12000余列,较日常增加1800余列。
China's May Day holiday lasts from May 1 to 5 this year.今年的“五一”假期从5月1日持续到5日。
审校:陈丹妮 齐磊