【双语财讯】美国专家点赞中国绿色产品 驳斥美财长无端指责
China Daily
Sourabh Gupta, a senior fellow at the Institute for China-American Studies in Washington, said the large-volume green products China was providing more cheaply than others "will go a long way to facing down the climate challenge, especially as these products go mainstream in developing countries where the vast body of humanity lives".古普塔称,中国以更便宜的价格提供的大量绿色产品“在广大发展中国家成为主流,极大助力全球应对气候挑战”。
"Even more impressive than the provision of these large-volume, low-price green products is the Chinese government's resolve to stand behind and support the creation of markets at scale for these products, such that many renewables and green products are cost-competitive today or likely to be cost-competitive soon with the more emissions-heavy products that dominate the marketplace currently."古普塔称,“更令人钦佩的是,中国政府还决心扶持绿色产业开辟大规模市场,使得中国的清洁能源和绿色产品如今已经具备成本竞争力,或者很快就能与目前主导市场的高排放量的产品一争高下。”
Yellen has her reasons for leveling the allegations against China regarding overcapacity and dumping in foreign markets, Gupta said. "China is moving away from that overinvestment model, but the level of domestic savings remains excessively high. As such, there are understandable fears that these savings will macroeconomically manifest themselves in the form of domestic overproduction dumped overseas in export markets.古普塔称,耶伦对中国提出的产能过剩和外国市场倾销指控是因为“中国正在改变过度依赖投资的模式,但其国内存量产能仍然较高。因此,有人担心这些存量产能将在宏观经济上表现为产能过剩和海外倾销”。
"Of course, balanced against this argument is the fact that China enjoys real comparative as well as competitive advantages in many of the product groups which it is now being accused of dumping," Gupta said, pointing out that China's lead in EVs and the battery sector is the result of innovation and highly competitive capabilities.“但相对应的,我们也要看到中国在许多被指控倾销的产品类别中确实拥有实实在在的比较优势和竞争优势。” 古普塔表示,中国在新能源汽车和电池行业处于领先地位,是因其创新能力和强大的市场竞争力。
The Chinese government was wise, via its industrial policy planning, to be an early mover to incubate these industries of the future at scale, he said. "Yellen's statements and the Joe Biden administration's approach involve double standards and protectionism. There is also more complexity."他表示,中国政府通过其明智的产业政策规划,成为大规模孵化未来产业的先行者。而耶伦的言论和美国政府的做法,则带有双重标准和保护主义的色彩,这当中存在更加复杂的原因。
The US has already found additional ways to exclude Chinese goods from its marketplace, he said, whether via the import route or the foreign direct investment route, drawing on its "foreign entity of concern" rules contained in the CHIPS Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.古普塔称,美国已经找到了更多方法将中国商品排除在市场之外,这些方法既涉及进口,也涉及外国直接投资。美国利用《芯片与科学法案》《通胀削减法案》以及《基础设施投资和就业法案》中所谓的“受关注外国实体”实现这一目的。
"These rules will be enforced aggressively. That said, the latter two pieces of legislation do contain exemption pockets to enable qualifying China-originating components or licensed items to enter the US marketplace, particularly where alternatives to Chinese content in these green products and industries of the future do not exist. But by and large, the US goal is to minimize the scope of such content and, over the longer run", eliminate or desensitize these supply chains of China-originating content.他指出,"这些规定将得到严格执行。尽管后两项立法确实包含豁免条款,允许符合条件的原产于中国的零部件或特许产品进入美国市场,尤其是在绿色产品和未来产业中不存在中国产品的替代品的情况下。但总的来说,美国的目的是最大限度地缩小此类产品的范围,并 "从长远上"去除或淡化这些源自中国的产品供应链。
US subsidies for EVs clearly violate WTO rules, Gupta said, and it is only a matter of time before a panel in Geneva finds them to violate US multilateral trade commitments.古普塔表示,美国的新能源汽车补贴显然违反了世贸组织规则,距离专家组裁定这些补贴违反美国的多边贸易承诺只是时间问题。