China Daily
At a booth inside the Pazhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, Xu Yajie, a sales manager, has been busy all day introducing colorful ceramic products to buyers from the United Arab Emirates.在广州国际会展中心(琶洲展馆)的一个展位上,销售经理徐亚杰(音)一整天都在忙着向来自阿拉伯联合酋长国的买家介绍五颜六色的陶瓷产品。
An employee of Guangdong Sitong Group Co Ltd, Xu said "a higher number of overseas buyers, especially those from countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, have visited the booth with interest in innovative products".徐亚杰是广东四通集团的一名员工,他说“越来越多的海外买家,特别是共建‘一带一路’国家和地区的买家,对创新产品感兴趣”。
Guangdong Sitong is a ceramic company based in Chaozhou, Guangdong. It is among 9,674 companies showcasing their latest innovative products and services during the second phase of the 134th China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair.广东四通是一家位于广东潮州的陶瓷公司。在第134届广交会第二期,9674家公司展示最新的创新产品和服务。
The event opened on Monday with an exhibition area of 515,000 square meters, displaying products and services in building materials, furniture, home decorations, gifts and household goods.第134届广交会第二期于23日开展,本期展览面积为51.5万平方米,展览以建筑材料、家具、家居装饰、礼品和家居用品等产品服务为主。
Guangdong Sitong, which exports to more than 90 markets worldwide, displayed tailor-made ceramic products during the event, Xu said.徐亚杰说,广东四通的产品出口到全球90多个市场,在展会上展示了特别定制的陶瓷产品。
"Thanks to preliminary preparations, especially in terms of increased investment in the design and research of new products, buyers from overseas markets like the Middle East, Europe and the United States, have shown greater intention for orders," Xu added.徐亚杰说:“由于前期做足准备,特别是在新产品设计和研究方面加大了投资,来自中东、欧美等海外市场的买家表现出了强烈的订购意愿。”
Improvements in design and technology over the years have made the company's ceramic products offer more added value in the global market, especially in Germany, the Middle East and Central Asia, she said.她说,多年来凭借设计和工艺升级,公司的陶瓷制品在全球市场上获得了更高附加值,尤其是在德国、中东和中亚。
"We have seen an increased number of buyers from Germany, which has stricter market standards in design and technology for ceramic products. This has illustrated our products' competitiveness in overseas markets."“我们发现德国的买家越来越多,德国在陶瓷制品的设计和工艺方面有更严格的市场标准。这表明我们的产品在海外市场的竞争力。”
As of Wednesday, some 150,000 overseas buyers from 214 countries and regions have attended the event, an increase of more than 50 percent compared with the same phase of the last session of the fair, according to event organizers.据活动组织者介绍,截至25日,第134届广交会吸引了来自214个国家和地区的约15万境外采购商到会,人数比上届同期增幅超50%。
Talent Group, a high-end candle and aromatherapy producer based in Dalian, Liaoning province, is displaying its latest innovative candle and aromatherapy series during the fair.辽宁省大连市高端香氛生产商达伦特集团在展会上展示了其最新的创新蜡烛和香薰产品。