China Daily
China and Russia should deepen bilateral cooperation in the financial sector for more win-win results, officials from the two sides said on Monday.中俄两国官员18日表示,两国应深化财经领域的双边合作,以实现更多双赢。
Chinese Finance Minister Lan Fo'an said the two countries should continue to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the financial sector, support their financial institutions to carry out services in the other country, and provide support for improving trade and investment facilitation.财政部部长蓝佛安表示,两国应继续加强在金融领域的互利合作,支持两国金融机构在对方国家展业,为相互提升贸易投资便利化水平提供支持。
He told the ninth China-Russia Financial Ministerial Dialogue in Beijing on Monday that "China-Russia relationships showcase strong internal dynamics and resilience", and the dialogue aims to further tap the potential for financial cooperation.第九次中俄财长对话18日在北京举行,蓝佛安表示,“中俄关系展现出强大内生动力和韧性”,此次对话旨在深入挖掘中俄财经领域合作的潜力。
During the dialogue, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on the equivalence of auditing standards and audit oversight.在对话期间,两国财政部签署了关于中俄审计准则及监管等效备忘录。
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said the signing of the memorandum will lay a solid foundation for the two sides to strengthen audit cooperation, which will also help boost economic development and create more jobs.俄罗斯财政部长安东·西卢阿诺夫表示,备忘录的签署将为双方加强审计合作奠定坚实基础,有助于促进经济发展和创造更多就业机会。
Data from China's General Administration of Customs showed bilateral trade surged 26.7 percent year-on-year to a historical high of $218.2 billion in the January-November period, achieving the goal set by the two sides to be reached before 2024.中国海关总署公布数据显示,1月至11月期间,中俄双边贸易额创下2182亿美元历史新高,同比增长26.7%,实现了双方设定的2024年前达到的目标。
In 2022, China-Russia trade increased by 29.3 percent year-on-year, reaching $190.27 billion. The two countries had previously set a goal to lift the bilateral trade to $200 billion by 2024.2022年,中俄双边贸易额达1902.7亿美元,同比增长29.3%。两国此前设定了到2024年将双边贸易额提高到2000亿美元的目标。
During the dialogue, the two sides also had in-depth discussions on the macroeconomic situation and policies, cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the G20 and BRICS, reform of multilateral development banks, and collaboration on financial and audit supervision. They also held discussions to facilitate in-depth exchanges on mutual concerns.对话期间,双方就宏观经济形势与政策、二十国集团和金砖国家等多边框架下的合作、多边开发银行改革、金融与审计监管合作等议题展开深入讨论。双方还就共同关心的问题进行了深入交流。
Trade between China and Russia has "big prospects" to grow further, Russian First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov said during the sixth China International Import Expo in Shanghai in November. He also said China and Russia's relationship has achieved big progress in many fields.俄罗斯工业和贸易部第一副部长瓦西里·奥斯马科夫11月在上海举行的第六届中国国际进口博览会上表示,中俄贸易有进一步增长的“广阔前景”,中俄关系在许多领域取得了长足发展。