【双语财讯】清明旅游市场再掀热潮 国内旅游出游1.19亿人次
China Daily
The just-finished three-day Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, which started on Thursday, saw a tourism boom both in traveler numbers and tourism-related revenues.刚刚结束的三天清明假期(4月4日起)期间,游客数量和旅游相关收入均大幅增长。
According to the latest release by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Saturday evening, domestic destinations nationwide received about 119 million visits during the holiday, up 11.5 percent from that in 2019 — the time before the epidemic hit. The holiday only had one day off last year and saw around 23.77 million domestic travels. 文化和旅游部6日晚公布数据显示,清明假期3天全国国内旅游出游1.19亿人次,按可比口径较2019年(疫情前)同期增长11.5%。2023年清明节假期(一天),全国国内旅游出游约2377万人次。
The travel boom this year, generated a tourism-related consumption of about 54 billion yuan ($7.47 billion) over the holiday, with the number marking a rise of 12.7 percent compared with that in 2019, the ministry said.文旅部表示,今年清明假期期间国内游客出游花费约540亿元,较2019年同期增长12.7%。
Spring outings, both to domestic attractions and overseas destinations, saw a remarkable increase during the holiday. Figures from the ministry show that the Chinese mainland saw 1.04 million inbound trips and 992,000 heading to overseas destinations. 假期期间,国内游和出境游均大幅增加。文旅部数据显示,入境游客104万人次,出境游客99.2万人次。
Some less-known tourism places, such as Zibo in the eastern province of Shandong, famous for its barbecue, and Kaifeng in China's central Henan province, have become viral destinations over the holiday because of their delicious cuisines, cultural charms and entertaining events, said the ministry.文旅部表示,因烧烤“出圈”的山东淄博、河南开封等小众旅游目的地凭借美味佳肴、文化魅力和娱乐活动而成为假期出游的热门目的地。
英文来源:中国日报网编辑:董静审校:万月英 陈丹妮