China Daily
China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 5.3 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2024, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Tuesday.国家统计局16日发布的数据显示,初步核算,一季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长5.3%。
"China's high-quality development has made new achievements in the first quarter. The national economy has sustained recovery momentum and got off to a good start," Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the NBS, told a press conference.国家统计局副局长盛来运在新闻发布会上表示,今年一季度,中国高质量发展取得新成效,国民经济延续回升向好态势,开局良好。
China’s economy grew stronger than expected at the start of this year, mainly thanks to robust growth in high-tech manufacturing, according to CNN. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)分析称,中国一季度经济增速超出预期,这主要应归功于高技术制造业的蓬勃发展。
Industrial production jumped 6.1% in the first quarter from a year ago, mainly thanks to strong growth in high-tech manufacturing.CNN指出,一季度中国全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长6.1%,这主要得益于高技术制造业的强劲增长。
In particular, the production of 3D printing equipment, charging stations for electric vehicles and electronic components all surged about 40% compared to a year earlier.CNN注意到,充电桩、3D打印设备、电子元件产品产量同比均大幅增长40%左右。
Last month, an official survey showed China’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) expanded for the first time in six months. The Caixin/S&P manufacturing PMI, a privately run survey, also hit its strongest reading in more than a year, as overseas demand picked up.CNN指出,中国国家统计局3月数据显示,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)6个月以来重新回到扩张区间。随着海外市场需求回暖,3月份的财新中国制造业PMI也创下了近一年来的新高。
The strong growth in January-March was supported by “broad manufacturing outperformance,” festivities-boosted household spending due to the Lunar New Year holidays and policies that helped boost investments, according to China economist Louise Loo of Oxford Economics.牛津经济研究院研究中国问题的经济学家卢姿蕙表示,中国一季度经济强劲增长主要得益于制造业整体表现优异,春节期间家庭消费显著增长以及政府鼓励投资的政策也起到了助推作用。
Associated Press noted that China's Industrial output for the first quarter was up 6.1% compared to the same time last year, and retail sales grew at an annual pace of 4.7%. Fixed investment grew 4.5% compared to the same period a year earlier.美联社注意到,一季度中国全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长6.1%,社会消费品零售总额同比增长4.7%,全国固定资产投资同比增长4.5%。
"The result is positive for the economy to hit its target," said Jeff Ng, head of Asia macro strategy at SMBC.三井住友银行亚洲宏观战略主管杰夫·黄(音)表示,一季度的成绩单有助于中国实现今年的经济增长目标。