【双语财讯】外国专家:中国发展新质生产力影响深远 将为国际合作带来新机遇
China Daily
巴基斯坦经济网总编辑、巴基斯坦报业编辑委员会副主席塔希尔·法鲁克(Tahir Farooq)日前在《中国日报》撰文称,中国加快发展新质生产力的影响深远而广泛。通过培育代表新质生产力的技术产业,中国不仅能增强自身经济韧性和全球竞争力,也有助于推动全球可持续发展和技术创新。
The implications of China's shift toward these new productive forces are profound and multifaceted. On the domestic front, it necessitates a series of systemic reforms — from policy innovation and educational reform to fostering an ecosystem conducive to research and development. These steps are essential for cultivating a new generation of technologies and industries that can drive high-quality economic growth and enhance China's global competitiveness.法鲁克表示,中国加快发展新质生产力的影响深远而广泛。在国内方面,中国需要在政策创新、教育改革、营造有利于技术研发的生态等方面进行一系列系统性改革。这些举措对于培养新技术产业至关重要。这些技术和产业可以推动高质量发展,增强中国的全球竞争力。
Internationally, the move toward new quality productive forces is set to reshape the dynamics of global economic competition and cooperation. As China ascends the value chain, its role in global supply chains will undergo a significant transformation. This shift also offers new opportunities for international collaboration in tackling some of the most pressing global challenges, such as climate change and sustainable development, through shared technological innovations and solutions.在国际层面,法鲁克指出,中国加快发展新质生产力将重塑全球经济竞争与合作的态势。随着中国在全球价值链中地位提升,在全球供应链中的作用也将发生重大转变。这一转变为国际合作提供了新机遇,通过共享技术创新和解决方案,可以推动各国共同应对气候变化、可持续发展等紧迫的全球挑战。
Moreover, China's focus on high technology, efficiency and quality underscores a broader recognition of the limitations of traditional growth models. By prioritizing the development of industries and technologies that align with these new productive forces, China is not only aiming to secure its technological sovereignty and economic vitality, but also contributing to the global pursuit of a more sustainable and resilient economic future.此外,法鲁克还表示,中国对高科技、高效能和高质量的关注表明,其深刻认识到传统增长模式的局限性。通过加快发展代表新质生产力的技术产业,中国不仅能为自身经济注入发展动力,而且还有助于推动全球经济向更可持续、更具韧性的未来迈进。
As we look toward this future, the significance of China's strategic pivot cannot be overstated. It represents a bold reimagining of the pathways to economic growth and development in the 21st century, one that balances the imperatives of technological innovation with those of environmental stewardship and social well-being.展望未来,法鲁克认为,中国加快发展新质生产力的意义不容小觑。这一战略是对21世纪经济增长和发展道路的大胆重构,平衡了技术创新、环境管理和社会福祉等重要因素。
For the global community, engaging with and understanding this shift is crucial, not only in terms of navigating the evolving landscape of international trade and economic relations, but also in leveraging the potential of these new productive forces to address shared challenges and opportunities.对于国际社会而言,参与并认识这一转变至关重要,这不仅体现在适应不断发展的国际贸易和经济关系格局方面,还体现在借助新质生产力迎接全球共同挑战和机遇上。
As China embarks on this transformative journey, the world watches closely. The success of this strategy will shape the future of China's economy and influence global economic patterns, technological development and environmental sustainability.法鲁克称,随着中国踏上这一变革之旅,世界正密切注视着中国。这一战略的成功将塑造中国经济的未来,并影响全球经济格局、技术发展和环境可持续性。
Engaging with China's new economic model offers the global community an opportunity to collaborate on shared challenges, driving collective progress toward a more sustainable and technologically advanced future. This collaborative spirit, fostered by mutual respect and shared goals, could pave the way for a new era of global economic cooperation.与中国的新经济模式合作,为国际社会提供了共同应对挑战的机会,将推动共同发展,迈向更可持续、技术更先进的未来。这种由相互尊重和共同目标所孕育的合作精神,将为全球经济合作的新时代铺平道路。