China Daily
China is confident that it can sustain the sound fundamentals of foreign trade, with exports climbing the value chain and the import market presenting greater opportunities amid the complex global economic environment and uncertainties, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said on Wednesday.商务部部长王文涛3月6日表示,巩固外贸外资基本盘中国有信心、有底气,在复杂的全球经济环境和不确定性中,中国出口商品正在向价值链上游攀升,进出口呈现出很大潜力。
Positive signs have emerged as China's foreign trade sector maintained its growth momentum in the first two months of the year, Wang said at a news conference during the annual session of the country's top legislature. Many enterprises are venturing abroad to participate in trade shows and expand their market presence, he added.王文涛表示,今年前两个月,中国外贸保持增长势头,出现了积极迹象。许多企业正出国参加贸易展,扩大市场份额。
The development of foreign trade is supported by a strengthened industrial base, abundant resources and enhanced innovation capabilities, enabling more exports of higher value-added goods. Meanwhile, China's proactive approach to further opening up its markets has contributed to the expansion of import opportunities, Wang said.外贸发展依托的产业基础、要素禀赋、创新能力在不断增强,我国出口商品正在向价值链上游攀升。而且中国积极主动开放,进口市场机遇也在扩大。
However, factors such as sluggish global economic growth, increasing trade protectionism and rising geopolitical tensions have all contributed to the severity of the foreign trade situation, he added.然而,全球经济增长乏力、贸易保护主义抬头和地缘冲突加剧等因素都使得外贸形势十分严峻。
A report by the International Monetary Fund indicated that about 3,000 restrictive trade measures were implemented globally in 2023, a significant increase from the 1,100 measures in 2019. The World Trade Organization has forecast a meager 3.3 percent year-on-year growth in global merchandise trade volume for this year, well below the historical average of 4.9 percent.国际货币基金组织的一份报告显示,2023年全球实施了约3000项限制性贸易措施,比2019年的1100项措施大幅增加。世界贸易组织预测,今年全球商品贸易额同比增长3.3%,远低于4.9%的历史平均水平。
In the near term, strengthened financial services for foreign trade, continued promotion of trade fairs and the streamlined visa process for businesspeople are among key favorable policies that are part of the country's efforts to address the difficulties and uncertainties faced by the foreign trade sector, Wang said.王文涛表示,近期内,针对外贸面临的困难和不确定性,主要从加强对外贸企业的金融服务保障、贸易促进、推动便利商务人员签证申领方面加大支持力度。
审核:陈丹妮 齐磊