China Daily
中国日报网3月5日电 吉尔吉斯斯坦前总理朱马尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev)日前撰文称,作为资源节约和环境保护政策的先行者,中国在可持续发展方面迈出了重大步伐。2023年,清洁能源产业贡献了中国国内生产总值增长的40%,为中国经济注入新活力。中国正在将投资转向清洁技术制造业,为投资者和企业带来了巨大的机遇。文章内容摘编如下:
As a pioneer in resource conservation and environmental protection policies, China has taken significant strides in sustainable development. Being the world's largest developing nation, China is crucial in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.作为资源节约和环境保护政策的先行者,中国在可持续发展方面迈出了重大步伐。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国对实现联合国2030可持续发展目标至关重要。
Last year, clean energy accounted for 40 percent of the country's economic growth. In 2023, China's gross domestic product received a record contribution of 11.4 trillion yuan ($1.6 trillion) from the clean economy, marking a 30 percent increase from the previous year. The growth and investment were mainly driven by solar power, the production of panels, electric vehicles, and batteries.去年,清洁能源产业贡献了当年中国国内生产总值(GDP)增长的40%。2023年绿色经济为中国GDP贡献了11.4万亿元人民币,创历史新高,较前一年增长30%。增长和投资主要由光伏、太阳能电池板、电动汽车和电池的生产拉动。
The Chinese government has consistently implemented crucial measures to facilitate smoother access to capital markets and credit for clean technology manufacturing companies. A noteworthy aspect was that private companies started joining this economic sector. This remarkable fact highlights a positive trend in transforming the national economy. By effectively managing production processes and organizing sustainable supply chains, the private sector will be able to serve both domestic and international markets much better.中国政府持续推出重要举措,为清洁技术制造企业更顺利地进入资本市场和获得信贷提供便利。值得注意的是,私营企业开始进入这一经济领域。这一引人注目的事实凸显了中国经济转型的积极趋势。通过有效管理生产流程和组织可持续供应链,私营企业将能够更好地服务于国内和国际市场。
The boom in clean technology investment has reinvigorated China's now famous large-scale investment model. By all accounts, this area will continue to grow steadily for many years. 清洁能源领域投资的繁荣为中国的大规模投资模式注入了新活力。无论从哪个角度看,这一领域都将在多年内保持稳定增长。
In recent years, China has made significant strides in advancing clean energy technologies, investing heavily in modern technology and production. At the UN COP28 summit held in December, Beijing and more than 120 countries announced their ambitious goal of tripling its renewable energy production capacity soon. This move is expected to bolster further efforts to develop and finance clean energy projects in the country and abroad, positively impacting humanity and the planet.近年来,中国在推进清洁能源技术方面取得了长足进展,在现代技术和生产方面投入了大量资金。在2023年12月举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十八次缔约方大会上,包括中国在内的120多个国家共同宣布了将可再生能源产能提高两倍的宏伟目标。此举有望进一步推动中国与全球清洁能源项目的开发融资,对人类和地球产生积极影响。
The country's development and utilization of advanced technologies in manufacturing components for clean energy have resulted in a significant and rapid drop in global prices. In a single year, the cost of solar panels decreased by an unprecedented 42 percent. Battery prices also fell a staggering 50 percent.中国开发和利用先进技术制造清洁能源组件,促进全球价格大幅快速下调。仅在一年内,太阳能电池板的成本就下降了42%。电池价格也下降了 50%。
China is redirecting its investments towards the manufacturing of clean technology. This landmark achievement marks a new era of growth, presenting vast opportunities for investors and businesses. 中国正在将投资转向清洁技术制造业。这一里程碑式的成就标志着一个新的增长时代,为投资者和企业带来了巨大的机遇。
China has committed to reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. This commitment has helped to mobilize state institutions, boost the confidence of businesses, raise public expectations, and serve as a critical policy decision for expanding and accelerating green development efforts.中国提出二氧化碳排放力争2030年前达到峰值、努力争取2060年前实现碳中和的目标。“双碳”目标有助于调动政府机构、增强企业信心、提高公众期望,并成为推进绿色发展的关键决策。
It could be argued that the political, economic, environmental, and publicity factors encouraging the speedy development of clean energy intersected with a surge in demand driven by market forces, reduced costs and increased competitiveness of low-carbon technologies compared to fossil fuels.鼓励加快发展清洁能源的政治、经济、环境和宣传因素与市场力量推动的需求激增、与化石燃料相比低碳技术成本降低和竞争力增强等因素交织在一起。
Thanks to bold and decisive measures to recalibrate economic policies, the country has undergone a timely transition to an economic development model centered on investing in clean energy. The effectiveness of China's governance model, which prioritized long-term planning and the nation's unity in achieving crucial development goals, has again shown its efficiency.中国果断调整经济政策,及时向以投资清洁能源为中心的经济发展模式转型。中国的治理模式以长远规划和全国团结一致实现重要发展目标为优先考量,这种治理模式的有效性再次得到了体现。