China Daily
The fast growth of China's economy provides a welcome lift for the whole world at a time when global economic challenges are intensifying, according to experts and scholars from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative Office in China and the School of Finance of the Tianjin-based Nankai University. The forum held in North China's Tianjin municipality on Friday focused on the discussion of the latest World Economic Outlook published by the IMF.4月21日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)驻华代表处和南开大学金融学院有关专家就最新发布的《世界经济展望报告》进行研讨。与会专家和学者表示,世界经济挑战加剧之际,中国经济强劲增长利好全球,对世界经济具有提振作用。
According to the IMF forecast, the world economy will grow 2.8 percent in 2023, 0.1 percentage point lower than its January forecast, while China's economic growth will improve from 3 percent in 2022 to 5.2 percent in 2023.IMF近日发布最新《世界经济展望报告》,下调全球经济增速预期至2.8%,比1月份的预测低0.1%,并预计2023年中国经济增速将从2022年的3.0%提升至5.2%,对全球经济复苏产生“正溢出效应”。
Amid a rocky recovery of the world economy, China becomes a bright spot.在世界经济坎坷复苏情况下,中国经济成为难得的亮点。
China's contribution to global economic growth will stand at over one third, said Steven Barnett, IMF senior resident representative in China, at the forum.IMF驻华首席代表史蒂文·巴奈特称,预计今年中国经济对世界经济增长贡献率将超过三分之一。
"Our research shows that every one percentage point of growth in China boosts 0.3 percentage points of growth in other countries," he said.巴奈特称:“我们的研究发现,中国经济每增长1个百分点,就会带动其他国家经济增长0.3个百分点。”
Chen Yulu, president of Nankai University, said China is currently promoting the Chinese path to modernization with high-quality economic development, which would strongly support the stable and sustainable growth of the Chinese economy.南开大学校长陈雨露表示,当前,中国正以经济高质量发展加快推进中国式现代化,将有力支持中国经济稳定持续发展。
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Tuesday that China's gross domestic product grew 4.5 percent year on year in the first three months. Many key data, including consumption, investment and imports and exports of goods, indicate a promising start for the Chinese economy.国家统计局发布数据显示,中国2023年一季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长4.5%。消费、投资和货物进出口等关键数据都表明中国经济开局良好。
"China's economic data in the first quarter proved even a bit stronger than we had been forecasting. Consumption was the key driver of the growth, as we expected. Meanwhile, export was also stronger than we thought," Barnett said.“中国一季度的经济增长势头比我们此前预测还要强劲,特别是消费成为主要驱动力,同时出口表现亮眼”,巴奈特说。
Xia Tian, assistant professor of the School of Finance of Nankai University, said maintaining the trend of globalization promotes the positive interaction between Chinese and global economic recovery.南开大学金融学院助理教授夏天则表示,维持全球化趋势能促使中国和全球经济复苏形成良性互动。