China Daily
The Shanghai government revised the definition of small and medium-sized apartment categories on Tuesday, with the standard gross floor area of flats in both categories now being expanded by 20 square meters at most.上海市政府8月27日调整了中小套型住房建筑面积标准,相较之前最高上调20平方米。
"The new criteria will give real estate developers more free play to optimize home designs in accordance with market needs, and it also echoes the new trend that homebuyers want more spacious and comfortable rooms," said Yan Yuejin, vice-president of the Shanghai E-House China Real Estate Research Institute.上海易居房地产研究院副院长严跃进表示,新标准将为开发商根据市场需求优化新房建造设计提供更多自由发挥的空间,同时也顺应了购房者希望住得更宽敞舒适的新趋势。
Under the new standards, flats in high-rise residential apartment buildings above 10 floors can have up to 120 sq m in gross floor area in comparison to 100 sq m before.根据新标准,高层建筑(10层以上)的商品住房中小套型住房建筑面积标准将从原来的100平方米上调到120平方米。
The adjustment is based on Shanghai residents' average living space, family structure, market demand, and housing design and construction. It looks to adapt to the latest market supply and demand conditions, people's expectations for prime quality housing, as well as better fit people's diversified home living requirements, said the notice.《关于优化本市新出让商品住房用地套型供应结构的通知》根据上海市人均住房建筑面积、家庭人口结构、住房套型的市场需求以及住房建筑设计和施工等情况,立足供求关系变化和改善型住房需求导向来做出调整。
"Larger-sized residential apartments will be built in Shanghai, and people will have more choices when they look to change living conditions," said Chen Julan, a senior analyst at the China Index Academy in Shanghai.中指研究院上海高级分析师陈炬兰认为,未来更多的大面积产品将涌入上海新房市场,满足居民改善性居住需求。
Guan Rongxue, a senior analyst at the Zhuge Real Estate Data Research Center, said the changes in housing standards in Shanghai are in line with the city's market demand.诸葛数据研究中心高级分析师关荣雪表示,上海住房标准的变化符合上海的市场需求。
"Since the beginning of the year, Shanghai's new home sales have been led by diversified needs for improved living, and transactions of large-size apartments carrying hefty price tags perform well," Guan said, adding that the supply restructuring will allow more large-sized apartments to be available in Shanghai in the future.关荣雪表示,今年以来,上海新房销售以改善型居住的多元化需求为主导,价格不菲的大户型住宅成交火爆。她指出,供应结构的调整意味着上海未来将有更多的大户型产品进入市场。
"It is worth noting that while more high quality and larger residential apartments will be available in the market, a balanced supply of various sized homes should be ensured for meeting diversified living requirements," said Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Guangdong Planning Institute's residential policy research center.广东省城乡规划院住房政策研究中心首席研究员李宇嘉指出,值得注意的是,虽然市场上将会出现更多高品质、大面积的住宅产品,但应确保各种面积住宅的均衡供应,以满足多样化的居住需求。