China Daily
"Spider-Man: No Way Home" racked up a head-spinning $253 million in US and Canadian ticket sales over the weekend, setting a pandemic record and ranking as the third-biggest domestic debut in Hollywood history even as a new COVID-19 variant spreads.尽管奥密克戎毒株正在传播,但《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房仍表现惊人,豪取2.53亿美元,创下新冠疫情时代新纪录,成为好莱坞历史上北美首周末票房排名第三的电影。
The previous pandemic record was set by Marvel superhero film "Venom: Let There Be Carnage," which took in $90 million domestically over its first three days in October. Marvel's "Black Widow" opened with $80 million back in May.此前新冠疫情时代的票房纪录是由漫威超级英雄电影《毒液2》创造的。该片在10月上映,前三天本土票房9000万美元(约合人民币5.7亿元)。5月份上映的《黑寡妇》首映票房为8000万美元(约合人民币5.1亿元)。
Around the globe, "No Way Home" generated an additional $334.2 million for a worldwide weekend total of $587.2 million, according to estimates from distributor Sony Corp.据电影发行方索尼公司估计,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》在全球其他地区的票房为3.342亿美元(约合人民币21.3亿元),周末总票房为5.872亿美元(约合人民币37.5亿元)。
The movie stars Tom Holland as Marvel's web-slinging superhero and Zendaya, as his girlfriend MJ, in the third film in the Spider-Man trilogy. It also brings back stars of previous "Spider-Man" films.《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》由汤姆·霍兰德(荷兰弟)主演,是《蜘蛛侠》三部曲的第三部电影,荷兰弟饰演漫威超级英雄蜘蛛侠,泽达娅饰演他的女友MJ。此前几部“蜘蛛侠”影片中的演员也会在这部电影中回归。
Holland offered gratitude to fans. "Thank you thank you thank you and if you haven’t seen Spider-Man no way home yet ... merry Christmas and you know what to do," he wrote on Instagram.荷兰弟向影迷表示感谢。他在Instagram上写道:“谢谢谢谢谢,如果你还没有看《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》……那么圣诞快乐,你懂我的意思。”剧情上,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》紧接上一部的结尾——因“神秘客”曝光蜘蛛侠的真实身份,给还在校园的彼得·帕克带来各种烦恼。帕克求助于神秘博士,希望他用魔法抹去世人的记忆,然而没想到魔法出错后开启“多元宇宙”,让绿魔、章鱼博士等其他“蜘蛛侠宇宙”中的反派穿越而来,引发更大危机。
“The film is sure to remind audiences why our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man remains one of Marvel’s best, and that is thanks in large part to Tom Holland’s performance as Peter Parker.” “这部电影肯定会告诉观众,为什么我们的好邻居蜘蛛侠仍然是漫威最棒的超级英雄,这在很大程度上要归功于汤姆·霍兰德的表演。”— Caitlin Chappell
“This movie does what the best movies always do: They thrill you and move you and make you want to cheer in a crowded theatre.” “这部电影做到了好电影该有的样子:它让你激动,让你感动,让你想在拥挤的电影院里欢呼。”— Pete Hammond