Building bylaws cannot contradict Karnataka Open Spaces Act, MCC told
The Hindu
MGP members highlight their concerns at interaction with civic body officials
The Mysuru City Corporation officials were urged to ensure the supremacy of the State laws if their decisions guided by the local bylaws are in conflict with, or contradict the rules stipulated by the former.
This came to the fore in an interaction with members of Mysuru Grahakara Parishat (MGP), a citizens’ group advocating consumer rights, here on Tuesday. The MGP had organised a sensitisation meeting for MCC officials to impress upon them that the citizens should be treated with respect and were the masters in a democracy. This was part of a series of events planned by the MGP to mark the Consumers Day.
In the interaction Bhamy Shenoy, founding president of the MGP, pointed out that the local officers were flagrantly violating the Karnataka Parks, Play-fields and Open Spaces (Preservation and Regulation) Act, 1985 by permitting building constructions in violation of the law.
He wanted to know why the MCC was time and again authorising such violations in the wake of shrinking lung space in Mysuru.
In response, the local development officers said that they were guided by the building bylaws which provided for utilisation of 5 per cent of the park area for construction and the projects are sanctioned by the elected representatives.
Shekhar Iyer of the MGP and a retired KAS officer said in case there was a conflict of rules the State law should prevail. He said in the hierarchy the Constitution was supreme followed by the laws framed by the Centre and then came the State laws followed by the local bylaws.
The issue was raised as the MCC had approved building constructions within the Jayanagar park ostensibly to allow a senior citizens’ recreation centre.