PT-7 brought out of kraal for eye treatment
The Hindu
PALAKKADPT-7 (rogue elephant), captured in Jan, brought out of kraal Thurs for eye treatment. Suspected pellet injury in eye. Treated while in kraal, partially recovered vision. Now closer, more intense treatment. Monitored round-the-clock. Future likely to be conversion to kumki.
PT-& (Palakkad Tusker-7), the rogue elephant that had terrorised Dhoni and neighbouring areas for years and later captured, was brought out of its kraal on Thursday.
The tusker was brought out of the kraal for the first time since its capture on January 22 for treatment of its visual impairment.
The elephant was found to have been suffering visual impairment in one of its eyes. Forest officers suspected that the animal might have suffered a pellet injury in its eye during one of its raids to farmlands at Dhoni and neighbouring places.
The Forest department had treated PT-7 even while it remained in the kraal in the last several weeks. Now the tusker will get closer and more intense eye treatment.
Forest officials said that the animal had recovered its vision partially following the treatment while being in the kraal. Chief Forest Veterinary Surgeon Arun Zacharia is leading the team of vets that would continue the treatment.
The animal, rechristened Dhoni, is chained and will be monitored round the clock. Once the treatment is over, the Forest department will take a decision on the future of the tusker. Although it is not so big, the tusker is most likely to be converted into a kumki.