China Daily
A larger fleet of driverless taxis will soon be available for hire in the capital city as the Office of the Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone has decided to launch the commercial operation of autonomous vehicles and expand their serviceable area.随着北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区工作办公室宣布,正式开放智能网联乘用车“车内无人”商业化试点,扩大服务区域,将有更多无人驾驶出租车在北京投入运营。
On Friday, authorities in Beijing made a policy decision to allow eligible companies to operate driverless taxis without safety supervisors on board and charge passengers for the rides, marking a definite step in commercialization of intelligent transportation.7月7日,北京市有关部门决定,允许符合条件的企业提供无安全监督员的自动驾驶付费出行服务,这标志着智能交通商业化迈出了坚实的一步。
Self-driving taxis were rolled out on a trial basis in the capital in March following a series of road tests, which were conducted with safety supervisors on board.今年3月,在进行了一系列道路测试后,北京启动“车内无人”载人示范应用。上述测试在安全监督员的指导下进行。
Chinese tech giant Baidu and autonomous mobility startup Pony.ai won permits back then to operate driverless taxis through their ride-hailing apps within a 60-square-kilometer area in Yizhuang, located in the southern suburbs of Beijing. The trial rides were free for passengers.中国科技巨头百度和自动驾驶初创公司小马智行获得了许可,在北京亦庄经开区60平方公里范围内划定区域开展全无人自动驾驶运营示范。乘客可免费试乘。
Now, the Office of the Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone plans to allow commercial operation of the driverless taxis in an area of 500 sq km. Interested companies are required to apply for commercial operation permits.现在,北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区工作办计划,逐步扩展完成500平方公里扩区建设。有意向的企业需要申请商业运营许可证。
According to the office, 116 self-driving taxis have been operating in Beijing on a trial basis for the past four months. They have completed over 1.5 million test trips, and the total length of the trips reached nearly 2 million km. More than 95 percent of passenger ratings have been favorable.据北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区工作办介绍,北京无人化测试车辆共计116台,测试总里程近200万公里。自动驾驶出行服务商业化试点累计订单量超150万人次,用户好评率达95%以上。
All the preliminary tests and free trials have laid a solid foundation for the commercial launch of unmanned vehicles and provided a wealth of experience in unmanned demonstration applications, said Xu Hongwei, executive deputy director of the office.北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区工作办公室常务副主任许宏伟表示,前期测试和免费试乘为“车内无人”商业化试点阶段打下坚实基础,也提供了丰富的载人示范应用经验。
During the commercial run of driverless taxis, more attention will be paid to the assessment of service capabilities of autonomous mobility companies, with the focus being on reviewing three risk aspects — passenger safety, traffic conditions and autonomous driving functions, he said.他说,在迈入商业化试点新阶段,将更加注重对自动驾驶企业服务能力的考核,主要围绕乘客车内安全风险、交通环境风险、自动驾驶功能风险三方面进行评估。
At the same time, tailored daily supervision and emergency plans will be formulated for the unmanned commercial fleet to ensure that these vehicles run smoothly and safely on roads, he added.同时,将针对试点车辆制定日常监管专项及应急预案,保障车辆道路活动有序开展。